FireHawk Hulin
Born in the British Isles, FireHawk came to the US as a very young man – to study and to find his way in the world. He spent his early professional years immersed in theatre arts and large-scale communication projects, using multi-media, emerging computer graphics tools and his burgeoning love of photography (which continues unabated to this day)
He says that meeting his teachers 25 years ago helped him to find something that he had been seeking (without consciously knowing it) his whole life; a real and practical connection to the wisdom and beauty of Mother Earth.
The designs of the Medicine Wheels spoke to him of both very ancient memories as well as the new promise of coming to a healing of our separations from ourselves, from each other and from all of the rest of our more-than-human world.
He and Pele have agreed to pass along this ancient lineage to those who are following behind, thereby keeping alive one of the threads of wisdom that help us to live on our home planet as wise stewards and true partners with Earth.
FireHawk is father of two sons, stepfather of three daughters and one other son, and grandfather to nine grandchildren (and counting!). His blended family is an example of the patience that is required to truly heal our old wounds by choosing listening and love in every situation.