Marie-Ève Marchand
has a Ph.D. in adult education. Her research focused on Bohm dialogue as a means of developing the reflective capacity of adults. She took a keen interest in the potential of dialogue within an organizational context. She taught dialogue for several years in the Department of Management at Laval University, in Quebec, Canada.
She has extensive experience as a senior executive within the public service of Canada. She is also a therapist, a graduate of the Gestalt Institute of Toronto, and a certified coach in integral development.
She is a member of the international organization The Academy of Professional Dialogue. She gives dialogue training workshops on a regular basis. Her current focus is on dialogue and the development of consciousness.
She is the author of a book published in 2019, first in French under the title Vivre en dialogue à l’ère du textoand, shortly after, in English, under the title The Spirit of Dialogue in a Digital Age.